Ethics Commission
The Forest Preserve District of DuPage County’s Ethics Ordinance (PDF) directs the political activities and the solicitation and acceptance of gifts of commissioners and employees. It prohibits commissioners and employees from participating in several activities, including the following:
- Receiving gifts from anyone who seeks an official action, does business or seeks to do business with the District, or conducts District-regulated activities
- Using District resources at any time for political activities
- Requiring employees to perform prohibited political activities as part of their duties, as a condition of employment or during compensated time off
- Engaging in political activities during working hours, such as
- Preparing or reviewing responses to candidate questionnaires or documents for use during a campaign
- Preparing for or organizing political meetings, rallies, or fundraisers
- Selling, distributing, or receiving money for fundraising tickets
How to File a Complaint
If you believe you have evidence of a violation of the Ethics Ordinance (PDF), file a complaint in one of two ways:
- Complete the Ethics Complaint Form (PDF), have it notarized, and send it via certified U.S. mail to:
Forest Preserve District of DuPage County
Ethics Commission
3S580 Naperville Road
Wheaton, IL 60189 - Email the scanned notarized form to records coordinator Francie Sheahan or to Ethics Commission members Al Gorski, Azam Nizamuddin, or Randon Gardley.
Once your complaint is received, a confirming email or letter via U.S. certified mail with return receipt will be sent within three business days. The email or letter will detail how the investigation will proceed.
Whistleblower Protection
- If you submit a complaint, Illinois law and the Forest Preserve District of DuPage County’s Ethics Ordinance (PDF) protect you from retaliation.
- You should immediately contact a member of the Ethics Commission at one of the email addresses above if any adverse actions occur because you submitted a complaint.
- Your identity as the person who filed the complaint will remain confidential unless you approve its disclosure or the law requires it.
The Ethics Commission may include your name with information it provides another agency, such as a law enforcement department that’s investigating a suspected crime, but it will not list you as the person who filed the complaint unless you approve it or the law requires it.