Law Enforcement
For an emergency, call 911.
To report a suspicious activity or a public safety concern in a DuPage forest preserve, call the Forest Preserve District police at 630-933-7240.
For non-emergency concerns, email our command staff at police@dupageforest.org.
The police office is open Monday – Friday 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. and is closed on Saturdays, Sundays and select holidays.
General Info
To arrange for property release, call 630-933-7230.
Forest Preserve District Police
The Forest Preserve District's sworn police officers not only enforce federal, state and county laws but also our General Use Regulation Ordinance. The department ensures the safety of life and property in the forest preserves and adheres to the highest principles of the law enforcement profession. Officers respond to calls for emergencies, safety and service, and patrol the preserves on foot and by bicycle, ATV and squad car.
Police officers attend a state-certified police academy and 12 weeks of specialized training in conservation and Forest Preserve District ordinances. Other training areas include advanced investigation, evidence, firearms, juveniles, response options and instruction. In-service training also keeps staff knowledgeable about legal updates, law-enforcement authority and human rights. Civilian personnel handle administrative duties, accreditation, and evidence, property and records management.
Review the Forest Preserve District police department's 2023 annual report for a comprehensive look at the department's efforts and achievements throughout the year.
DuPage forest preserves are safe places to play, relax and have fun. While visiting your favorite preserve, follow a few tips to additionally ensure your safety.
- Visit with a friend.
- Carry your phone.
- Be aware of your surroundings.
- Keep tabs on your location and the nearest trail intersection, parking lot or landmark.
- Always lock your vehicle.
- Take your valuables with you, or lock them in your trunk before you arrive. Most auto break-ins occur when items like electronics or handbags are left in plain sight.
- Pay attention to suspicious individuals who appear to stay in one spot for long periods of time or walk between vehicles for no reason.
The Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA) was formed in 1979. CALEA established a body of standards designed to increase a law enforcement agencies' capabilities to prevent and control crime, increase effectiveness and efficiency in its services, enhance cooperation and coordination with other law enforcement and criminal justice agencies, and increase citizen and employee confidence in the goals, objectives, policies, and practices of the agency. CALEA has developed an accreditation process that provides law enforcement agencies an opportunity to voluntarily demonstrate that they meet a set of professional standards and best police practices.
The Forest Preserve District's law enforcement department is the first Illinois forest preserve or park district agency to meet CALEA's law enforcement accreditation standards.
Anyone wishing to provide comments regarding our agency's compliance with CALEA standards, engagement in the service community, delivery of public safety services, and overall candidacy for accredited status, may provide comments through CALEA's public comment portal.
These comments can be in the form of commendations or concerns. The overall intent of the accreditation process is to provide our agency with information to support continuous improvement, as well as foster the pursuit of professional excellence.
Note: CALEA is not an investigatory body and subsequently the public portal should not be used to submit information for such purposes. Additionally, there will be no response other than acknowledgment of submissions; however, the information will be considered in context to its relevancy to compliance with standards and the tenets of CALEA® Accreditation.
Tell us about your positive experience with our police personnel, express your thanks/commendation by emailing police@dupageforest.org.
If you wish to make a complaint about the Forest Preserve District's police personnel, conduct or any aspect of our law enforcement operations:
- Call the law enforcement department at 630-933-7240 and ask to speak to a command officer. If a command officer is unavailable, ask for a return phone call.
- A Report of Complaint Against Police Personnel form will be mailed to you. The complaint form includes information about the individual making the complaint and the allegation.
Return the completed form to:
Chief of Law Enforcement
Forest Preserve District of DuPage County
P.O. Box 5000
Wheaton, IL 60189-5000
You will receive a phone call notifying you that the complaint has been received.
- If you prefer to file a complaint in-person at the Forest Preserve District’s headquarters at 3S580 Naperville Road in Wheaton, a command officer will be made available to assist you.
Your complaint will be thoroughly investigated. You may be contacted by phone or in-person and asked additional questions about your complaint.
An investigation will be completed in 30 days, pending normal circumstances. If it appears the investigation will take longer than 30 days, you will receive a letter advising when you may expect a reply.
After the complaint has been investigated, the Chief of Law Enforcement will review the findings and notify you about the results.
Citation Payment Information
To Pay Your Administrative Citation
- Pay online through Illinois ePay.
- Mail payment with the envelope provided or use the 24-hour payment drop box located in front of 3S580 Naperville Rd. building.
- Include your citation number on the envelope and on the check or money order.
- Pay by check or money order in the exact amount of the fine. Do not mail cash.
- If you lose the envelope, send payment to:
Forest Preserve District of DuPage County
Law Enforcement Department
3S580 Naperville Rd
Wheaton, IL 60189
Fine assessment will be based upon postmarked date:
Offense Type | Paid within 14 days | Paid between 15-30 days |
Parking | $40 | $60 |
Handicapped parking | $250 | $350 |
Ordinances - general | $75 | $125 |
Ordinances - severe | $250 | $350 |
- If the administrative citation is not paid within 30 days of the violation date:
An Illinois citation and complaint will be sent to your address with an assigned court date. If found guilty, court fees will be assessed in addition to fines.
To Request a Review of Your Administrative Citation
- Complete this administrative citation review form (PDF) and email it to police@dupageforest.org.
- This form and any supporting paperwork must be received by the Law Enforcement Department no later than 14 calendar days from the date of citation.
- After review, a response will be sent back with any additional steps, if needed.
- If your request is denied, the original fine and payment due date will stand.
Illinois Citation and Complaints
Please visit https://epay.18thjudicial.org/Clerk/step1.doQuestions? Please call 630-933-7230.