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Blackwell - Landfill Gas & Leachate Management System

The Blackwell landfill operated from 1965 to 1973, serving the waste disposal needs of DuPage County. In 1997, a landfill gas and leachate management system was installed to minimize potential releases from the landfill that could degrade the environment in the vicinity of the landfill. These systems are at the end of their functional life and in need of replacement.


Status: In Progress

It is anticipated that construction will commence in early 2023.


The District entered into a design engineering contract with Weaver Consultants Group for this project. The contract will further refine the improvements recommended in the November 2021 report and develop construction plans and specifications along with securing appropriate regulatory permits necessary to construct the project.


The Final Recommendations Report was completed in November 2021.


The District entered into a preliminary engineering contract with Weaver Consultants Group for improvements to the landfill gas and leachate management system. The consultant documented the landfill’s current condition and made recommendations for future improvements to the management system.


All design and construction work is funded through the Districtwide Environmental Fund.

Aerial image of Blackwell landfill site