Preserved for You
Nov. 5 Referendum Information
Proposition to Increase the Limiting Rate to Maintain and Improve Woodlands, Wetlands and Prairies in DuPage County
Top News
DuPage Forest Preserves are Preserved for You!
No matter where you are in DuPage, you're no more than 10 minutes away from clean air, clean water, healthy habitat, thriving wildlife, and a place to clear your mind.
Explore our wide range of group programs offered throughout the academic year.
Follow the "Olmec Trails" Through the Preserves
Visitors can see the iconic heads at four forest preserves.
Fall Festival at Danada
Oct. 12 & 13
11 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Danada Equestrian Center, Wheaton
Celebrate the horse! Festivities include equestrian performances and demonstrations, wagon rides, children's activities, barn tours, and more!
Stay Connected
Master Plan & Other Projects
Get Involved
Share your time and talents to help restore habitats, care for wildlife, and host recreational and cultural programs by joining our corps of individual and group volunteers.
Be Our Friend
Your generosity sustains DuPage forest preserves and inspires the work we do to make them extraordinary places to visit.
Become a Community Partner
Partner with the nonprofit Friends of the Forest Preserve District of DuPage County to help connect people to nature.
Who We Are
To acquire and hold lands for the purpose of preserving the flora, fauna and scenic beauty for the education, pleasure and recreation of DuPage County citizens
Miles of Trails
Forest Preserves
Annual Visitors