News Release
Don't Dump Pumpkins in DuPage Forest Preserves
Compost them or find a local smash event
Got leftover Halloween pumpkins? The Forest Preserve District of DuPage County urges you to think twice before hauling those old orange orbs off to a forest preserve.
Pumpkins Aren’t Native Flora
Believe it or not, pumpkins aren’t part of our local ecosystem. When they’re dumped in forest preserves, they can negatively affect the ecological balance of an area. They can also smother delicate native plants vital to local wildlife and already competing against invasive species for survival.
When pumpkins are dumped near roads, they can attract wildlife, putting animals at risk of being hit by cars. This also increases the risk of animals spreading disease among species. The animals don’t generally need the supplemental food, either.
Rotting Pumpkins Create Unhealthy Microhabitats
As pumpkins decompose, they become breeding grounds for bacteria, fungi, and viruses. These unhealthy microhabitats can negatively affect local plants and soil.
“Pumpkin dumping represents a disconnect between our daily habits and the long-term health of our natural areas,” said Scott Kobal, an ecologist with the Forest Preserve District. “When we introduce foreign organic matter, like pumpkins, we inadvertently tip the scales, impacting not just wildlife but also the soil. These changes to the forest floor might take years to reverse.”
Removing Dumped Pumpkins Comes at a Cost
When pumpkins are left behind, forest preserve staff have to remove them, taking time away from other efforts.
It’s Illegal to Dump on Forest Preserve Property
In addition to causing environmental concerns, dumping anything in a DuPage forest preserve is illegal — even if it’s a biodegradable item like a pumpkin — and can result in fines.
There Are Better Ways to Dispose of Pumpkins
Composting either at home or at a local composting facility is an ecofriendly alternative to throwing your pumpkin in the garbage. Many cities and towns in DuPage County offer “pumpkin smash” events where you can drop off your pumpkins for composting. These events turn old pumpkins into rich nutrient-rich compost that can help other plants grow.
To raise awareness about the negative effects of dumping pumpkins, the Forest Preserve District will post a special Halloween video on its social media pages.
The Forest Preserve District of DuPage County improves the quality of life for all DuPage County residents. Its 26,000 acres of woodlands, prairies, wetlands, and waterways contribute to cleaner air and water, help with flood control, create vital habitats for wildlife, and provide safe spaces where people can boost their physical and mental health. More than 5.5 million people visit its 60 forest preserves, 175 miles of trails, seven education centers, and scores of programs each year. For information, call 630-933-7200 or visit dupageforest.org, where you can also link to the District’s e-newsletter and Facebook, X, Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok pages.
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