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Mayslake - Staircase Restoration

In 2019, the original wooden stairs and treads in the main hall of Mayslake Peabody Estate were stripped of the many finishes that had been applied over the years and restored to show the wood graining. With these improvements complete, the original hand-carved balustrade is next to be restored to conditions similar to when Mr. Peabody first inhabited the estate.



The project was publicly bid in early 2020. While we had some delays due to the pandemic, work resumed later in 2020 and was complete in early 2021.



The District has received a donation from a private donor to partially fund the $28,000 project. The remaining costs will be funded through the Forest Preserve District’s yearly appropriated Mayslake general fund.

Mayslake Staircase balustrade before

The balustrade before the restoration work.

Mayslake Staircase staircase work
Mayslake Staircase person refinishing stairs
Mayslake Staircase staircase work 2